【漫画】hololiveERROR 第23話「美空時乃の願い」

FC2 Entertainment

「また、友達になってくれますか?」 #hololiveERROR

Next episode → https://youtu.be/xYCUrxk3HDY
All episodes → https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1NeGg1woXqmjylfq2x5E8dA2TUvQcK26

美空 時乃(みそら しの)    ときのそら https://t.co/YVd92xsmZA

白雪 稲裡(しらゆき いなり)  白上フブキ https://t.co/R9TNhC7sPO
夏乃 華火(なつの はなび)   夏色まつり https://t.co/6IbKSqaxIW
茨 咲希(いばら さき)     アキ ローゼンタール https://t.co/Mzm8hyXI0L
雪原 冬花 (ゆきはら とうか)  雪花ラミィ https://t.co/0EoXMwVxLO
杏 鈴音 (からもも すずね)   桃鈴ねね  https://t.co/ZKkIB3TE9S

古河 七星(ふるかわ ななせ)  星街すいせい https://t.co/VezQQPDAO0
銀鏡 八重(しろみ やえ)    白銀ノエル  http://ur2.link/hWs3
深見 獅那(ふかみ しいな)   獅白ぼたん https://t.co/IWecN1QB4o
尾森 歩香(おもり ほのか)   尾丸ポルカ https://t.co/vndDeLCxUE

四宮 桜(しのみや さくら)   さくらみこ https://t.co/FM8eBkuiOO

猫宮 友架(ねこみや ゆか)  猫又 おかゆ https://t.co/JoeI3u9YjS
戌飼 茜(いぬかい あかね)   戌神 ころね https://t.co/qeTXwRU2F1
鵜飼 薫(うかい かおる)   大空 スバル https://t.co/1XIcn8rNbM
如月 星夜(きさらぎ さや)   夜空 メル https://t.co/pkoy96vn5G
神代 美玖(かみしろ みく)  大神 ミオ https://t.co/srC9Gb4Mxi
水田 兎月(みずた うづき)   兎田 ぺこら http://ur2.link/TNHm

常盤 香菜(ときわ かな)   常闇 トワ https://bit.ly/2MvK8Ve
雨乃 奏(あまの かなで)    天音 かなた https://bit.ly/37b5AXk  
白鳥 火樽(しらとり ほたる)   不知火 フレア http://ur2.link/T5zu
姫川 美月(ひめかわ みつき)  姫森 ルーナ https://bit.ly/2SuzcLh
械塚幸(かいづか ゆき)  ロボ子さん https://t.co/9Tw5lajPeC

lyger, fts, T-chan

「Hollow Life」メインテーマ曲

「Lobelia」Crawk 様
「記憶ノ色トハ」motomu 様
「Inner Voice」ヒロキヤマモト 様
「群青の後悔」漉餡/こしあん 様
「Memories」樋山雅 様





■「hololive ERROR」公式サイト:https://hololiveerror.hololivepro.com/
■「hololive ERROR」最新情報:https://twitter.com/hololivetv

完全版:~7月18日 ホロライブ公式ショップで発売~



hololive ホロライブ - VTuber Group

長い間忘れていた願い…最終話は7月15日24時投稿予定。 A prayer she’d forgotten for so long… The Final Chapter will be available from midnight, July 16.


Truly an emotional episode…..

Shino finally accepting the truth and her deciding to end things once and for all was beautiful.

Shinomiya’s passing was so emotional….. Her finally being able to move on to the afterlife and join the others was bittersweet.

And Shino finally said the series tagline!

It’s also beautiful how Shino and the “Perfect World” students say their farewell to each other. It’s bittersweet as well.

I can’t wait for the next and final episode!

Takei Daloui

And so she let’s go, the dream finally ending.

Also, Miko was far older than I expected when she died. It looked like from her hand that she was elderly now, which really hits how long she dedicated to this and also how long Shino has been repeating the loop.


Sakura had such a hard life that I only feel relieved that her sufering is finaly over and her efforts are not going to be in vain (and she knows that, so she is leaving with no regrets). now I hope that Shino will get the happiness for her and everyone else that she always wanted by doing the right thing.


So all that horror we saw was just her world finally collapsing in on itself because of her inner conflict. Her disgust in herself for living such lies. Tbh I thought this was going to be a horror mystery more on the generic end of the spectrum. But chapter 23 has literally 0 horror. I love this direction.

Ps4 Pro

This series was amazing. Definitely the best in terms of quality and story. Let’s hope the series finale ends with a bang.

Hajime | La+ Apostle [12th Apostle of the Twelve]

Now we’re REALLY almost there at the end, I’m excited to see what the next chapter has in store for us.


So the final chapter of this series is just three days away…

Not gonna lie, Shino, and everyone else too… I think I’ll miss you.


The scene with everyone and the music… 😭
The finale is near, wonder how it will go! I’m so excited!!!



JustChiaki [千秋だけ]

I’m happy that Sakura was able to find peace. It also was nice to see everyone again! Shino finally deciding to let go was really powerful and beautiful. How will she be able to return to continue Sakura’s work? Can’t wait for the final chapter!

Dave Roberson

It’s been a real roller coaster ride of emotions to get to this point, so many things left unsaid, but if in the end they can find happiness for themselves then that’s what matters most. Here’s hoping Shino can finally end this and set everyone free, for Sakura and for herself.



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